Spring is when new babies appear all over the woods
and fields, but the miracle of life is starting right now with the rut, also
known as mating season. Now is the time of spectacular antler battles as young
males challenge the older, established males.
Among the hoofed mammals like deer, elk, and bison,
one or a handful of males control harems of females. While we humans concern
ourselves with obtaining the next shiny piece of technology to come along,
these guys are driven only by passing their genes to the next generation. Do
successfully do that, they must either challenge the big guy or fend off a
All that fighting sometimes takes a toll on dominant
male. Fatal injuries are not common, but exhaustion with sometimes take a life.
Other times, an opportunistic male with sneak in and steal a mate while the
alpha is fighting a challenger.
This is peak season for deer vs car incidents because
they are only thinking of one thing, and it’d not safety. They are crepuscular-
most active around sunrise and sunset so use extreme caution at those times.
Elk are known for their bugling sound during the rut. This National Park Service link will let you have a listen at this eerie phenomenon.
Why are all these critters mating now? Because the
births are timed to occur in spring when food is plentiful. If there is
anything nature is good at, it’s timing.